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How Long Does an Asphalt Roof Last?

While it depends on the type of asphalt shingles used, an asphalt roof can typically last for between 15 and 50 years, depending on the region. In addition, a premium shingle will be able to replicate the look of nearly any roofing style. Additionally, these shingles will be able to withstand harsher weather conditions, including high winds. But, the most important factor to consider when determining how long an ashing roof will last is the level of maintenance.

When choosing the type of asphalt roof, there are some factors to keep in mind. While the material itself is durable, the lifespan of the material will vary depending on the type of asphalt shingles used and the amount of maintenance performed on them. The most important factor is attic ventilation. The roof’s life is greatly affected by trapped air, so making sure to keep it free of debris will help extend its life. It is important to perform annual maintenance, such as sweeping out the gutters and cleaning the attic.

A roof can last up to 15 years with proper maintenance. It is also prone to damage from extreme weather. A few hailstones or small pieces of debris can cause the granular layer to break off, which will lead to a decreased lifespan of the asphalt shingles. It is essential to regularly inspect the roof and pay attention to the weather in your area. While hail and other storms may not be considered insurance claims, extreme weather can significantly shorten the lifespan of an asphalt roofing system.

Proper installation is the key to extending the life of your asphalt roof. If you choose the aforementioned asphalt shingle, it is recommended to have it replaced every 20 years. If not, it might be time to upgrade. In addition, if you plan to sell your home, replacing your asphalt roof will ensure that it is the right choice for your home. It is important to remember that the lifespan of asphalt shingles is not the same for everyone.

Among the other things that affect the life of an asphalt roof, it is the direction of the roof. If the roof is pointing towards the south, it is likely to be swayed to the east. If the wind is blowing in a southerly direction, you should consider a different direction for your roof. A slightly higher angle will result in a longer lifespan, but it is important to make sure it is not pointing in the wrong direction.

Another important factor to consider is the type of shingle you’ll be using. The most basic shingles are the three-tab variety, which only lasts for ten to twenty years. They’re also not the best choice for stormy areas, as the continuous changes in temperature can lead to cracking and other problems. If you’re worried about a specific weather condition, the 3-tab asphalt shingle is the least expensive option, but it’s also the most basic.

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